Philipp Lukasewycz

Hi, nice to meet you and many thanks for your interest in my person! I am pleased to share some snippets of my work, interests and thoughts with you. I am always looking for knowledge exchange and collaboration, especially in context of data analytics, business modelling and innovation. Feel free to take a look and contact me in case of questions, remarks or interest in potential collaborations.

In this context you can find some of my studies in the portfolio section. Furthermore I am sharing regulary reportings and analytical deep dives in my blog section regarding the bitcoin network. It is my true conviction that bitcoin as digital property based on a decentralized, incorruptible technology has the potential to make life more independent and justified - especially in disadvantaged regions. For this reason I am continously analyzing the adoption of the network on fundamental base - take a breath & dive in!

What I Do

Data Analytics

Providing advanced analytics solutions. Experience in sentiment & regression analysis, currently diving into neural networks (MLP & CNN). Continously improving my skills.

Business Modelling

As former founder i love to question the present, find better solutions for the future and explore new businesses. Mentoring, partnering, learning. Together we grow!

Business Intelligence

Building efficient data ecosystems through API & ETL processes. Advanced reporting and dashboarding to simplify data analysis with state of the art tools.

Finance & Controlling

Focus on developing sustainable business models - therefore i'm providing various skills and tools to ensure profitable growth.

What I'm Counting On


Digging into data is my personal passion. What's yours? Regardless individual dedications - let's connect to discuss!


Questioning the status quo? Embracing challenges to generate progress & growth? You name it: Spirit is key.


Teamwork makes the dream work - for me its the key to expand your own solution space.

What I'm Looking For

Freelance work

You need assistance in specific data-related subjects? Preferably long-term? Let's discuss a collaboration.

Founder & Projects

Looking for a partner to scale up your business? Let's evaluate potentials to boost your business model together.


Always excited to talk about data & business related stuff, to get to know new things or lateral views and ideas.